802.11 Frame Types and Their Purposes

Association Response


Which 802.11 frame type is Association Response?



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A. B. C. D.


There are three main types of 802.11 frames: the Data Frame, the Management Frame and the Control Frame. Association Response belongs to Management

Frame. Association response is sent in response to an association request.


The Association Response frame is a Management frame in the 802.11 wireless networking standard.

In wireless networking, the Association Request frame is sent by a client device (such as a laptop or smartphone) to request to join a wireless network. The Access Point (AP) then responds with an Association Response frame, which contains information such as the client's assigned IP address and the wireless network's SSID.

The Association Response frame is an unencrypted frame, which means that it is not a Protected frame. Protected frames are frames that are encrypted using security protocols such as WPA2 or WPA3.

The other two types of frames in the 802.11 standard are Control frames and Action frames. Control frames are used for managing the wireless medium, such as requesting acknowledgement of a transmitted frame or determining which devices have access to the medium. Action frames are used for management actions that do not fit into the other frame types, such as transmitting information about the quality of the wireless medium.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Management.