Syslog Port for RFC-5426

Syslog Port for RFC-5426

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According to RFC-5426, syslog senders must support sending syslog message datagrams to which port?



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A. B. C. D. E. F.


RFC-5426 defines the requirements for sending syslog messages over the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). It specifies that syslog senders must support sending syslog message datagrams to UDP port 514 or TCP port 514.

Syslog is a protocol used for sending log messages from various network devices to a centralized logging server. The syslog sender sends the log message to a syslog receiver over a network connection. The receiver then processes and stores the log messages for later analysis.

UDP and TCP are transport protocols used for sending data over IP networks. UDP is a connectionless protocol that does not guarantee delivery or order of packets, while TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that provides reliable, ordered delivery of packets.

UDP and TCP both use port numbers to identify the application or service to which the data is being sent. The well-known port number for syslog is 514, which is used for both UDP and TCP syslog messages.

Therefore, the correct answer to this question is B. UDP port 514. According to RFC-5426, syslog senders must support sending syslog message datagrams to UDP port 514. While TCP port 514 is also an option, it is not the required port according to the RFC.