Botnet Traffic Filter Configuration | Cisco ASA Appliance

Botnet Traffic Filter Configuration

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Which command is required in order for the Botnet Traffic Filter on the Cisco ASA appliance to function properly?



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A. B. C. D.


The correct answer is C. "inspect botnet."

Botnets are a major security threat that can cause significant damage to networks by infecting devices, stealing data, and launching attacks. Botnet Traffic Filter is a feature in Cisco ASA appliances that can identify and block traffic associated with known botnets.

To enable this feature on the Cisco ASA, the "inspect botnet" command is required. This command allows the appliance to examine network traffic and detect any communication between infected devices and known botnet command and control servers.

Option A, "dynamic-filter inspect tcp/80," is a command used to inspect TCP traffic on port 80 for malicious content. This command is not directly related to the Botnet Traffic Filter feature.

Option B, "dynamic-filter whitelist," is a command used to create a whitelist of trusted IP addresses or domain names that are exempt from inspection. This command is also not related to the Botnet Traffic Filter feature.

Option D, "inspect dns dynamic-filter-snoop," is a command used to inspect DNS traffic and block any requests to known malicious domains. While this command can be used to prevent botnet traffic, it is not directly related to the Botnet Traffic Filter feature.

Therefore, the correct answer is C, "inspect botnet."