Cisco ASA Multicast Features Supported | Exam 400-251

Cisco ASA Multicast Features

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Which three multicast features are supported on the Cisco ASA? (Choose three.)



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A. B. C. D.


The Cisco ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance) is a security device that provides a range of security services such as firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention, and content security. It is primarily designed to protect networks from unauthorized access and attacks.

Regarding multicast, the Cisco ASA supports the following three features:

A. PIM Sparse Mode: Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Sparse Mode is a multicast routing protocol used to efficiently deliver multicast traffic over a network. The Cisco ASA supports PIM Sparse Mode, which enables the ASA to join multicast groups and forward multicast traffic.

B. IGMP Forwarding: Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a communication protocol used by hosts and adjacent routers to establish multicast group memberships. The Cisco ASA supports IGMP Forwarding, which allows the ASA to forward IGMP messages between hosts and multicast routers.

D. NAT of Multicast Traffic: The Cisco ASA can perform Network Address Translation (NAT) of multicast traffic, which allows multicast traffic to be translated from one address to another. NAT of multicast traffic is useful when a multicast source and receivers are located in different network segments with different IP address ranges.

C. Auto-RP is not supported on the Cisco ASA: Auto-RP (Auto-Rendezvous Point) is a multicast protocol used to discover and manage rendezvous points (RPs) in a PIM Sparse Mode network. However, this feature is not supported on the Cisco ASA.

In summary, the three multicast features supported on the Cisco ASA are PIM Sparse Mode, IGMP Forwarding, and NAT of multicast traffic.