Three Situations Warranting Engagement of a Security Incident Response Team

Three Situations Warranting Engagement of a Security Incident Response Team

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Which three of these situations warrant engagement of a Security Incident Response team? (Choose three.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


The engagement of a Security Incident Response team is warranted in situations where there is a potential or actual security incident that needs to be addressed. A security incident is an adverse event that jeopardizes the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an organization's assets, including information, hardware, software, and personnel. Security Incident Response teams are responsible for detecting, analyzing, and responding to security incidents.

Of the options provided, the three situations that warrant engagement of a Security Incident Response team are:

A. Loss of data confidentiality/integrity: This occurs when data is accessed or modified by unauthorized individuals or entities, or when data is lost or destroyed due to a security breach. Examples include unauthorized access to sensitive information such as customer data, financial information, or intellectual property.

B. Damage to computer/network resources: This refers to any action that causes harm or destruction to computer or network resources, including hardware, software, and data. Examples include malware infections, system crashes, or physical damage to network equipment.

C. Denial of service (DoS): This is a type of cyberattack that aims to disrupt the availability of a website, application, or network by overwhelming it with traffic or requests. DoS attacks can cause significant downtime, loss of revenue, and damage to reputation.

D. Computer or network misuse/abuse: This refers to any behavior that violates an organization's acceptable use policies, including unauthorized access to resources, sharing of passwords, or use of company resources for personal gain. While this may not necessarily result in a security breach, it can lead to other security incidents.

E. Pornographic blogs/websites: While this may be a violation of organizational policies, it does not necessarily pose a significant security threat unless it involves illegal content or is used as a cover for other malicious activities.

In summary, situations A, B, and C warrant engagement of a Security Incident Response team because they pose a significant risk to an organization's assets, reputation, and operations. Situations D and E may also require attention but may not necessarily require the immediate involvement of a Security Incident Response team.