CCIE Security Exam: Transparent Firewall Mode | Cisco ASA

Transparent Firewall Mode

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Which three statements are true about the transparent firewall mode in Cisco ASA? (Choose three.)



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A. B. C. D. E. F.


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The transparent firewall mode in Cisco ASA allows the firewall to act as a bridge, rather than a routed hop. This means that the firewall will not modify the source or destination IP addresses of packets as they pass through it, but will instead simply inspect and filter the traffic based on its Layer 2 and Layer 4 characteristics.

Here are the three statements that are true about the transparent firewall mode in Cisco ASA:

A. The firewall is not a routed hop. This statement is true. As mentioned above, the transparent firewall mode allows the firewall to act as a bridge rather than a routed hop. This means that the firewall will not modify the IP addresses of packets as they pass through it.

B. The firewall can connect to the same Layer 3 network on its inside and outside interfaces. This statement is true. In transparent mode, the firewall can have interfaces on the same Layer 3 network, which allows it to inspect traffic between devices on the same network segment.

C. Static routes are supported. This statement is true. Even though the firewall is not a routed hop, it can still use static routes to direct traffic to specific destinations.

D. PAT and NAT are not supported. This statement is false. In transparent mode, the firewall can perform both NAT and PAT. However, it should be noted that transparent mode NAT and PAT are different from their routed mode counterparts and have some limitations.

E. Only one global address per device is supported for management. This statement is false. The transparent firewall mode does not impose any limitations on the number of global addresses that can be used for management purposes.

F. SSL VPN is supported for management. This statement is false. In transparent mode, the firewall does not support SSL VPN for management. However, it should be noted that SSL VPN can still be used for remote access to internal resources behind the firewall.