Sales Conference ROI Analysis | Universal Containers

Determining ROI for Industry Conferences


Each year, representatives from Universal Containers attend two major industry conferences that generate a large volume of leads. After Leads have been converted to Opportunities, a few months later, the team wants to determine the ROI for each industry conference.

Which solution should the consultant recommend?



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A. B. C. D.


The consultant should recommend Answer B: Create industry events as campaigns, add leads as Campaign Members, and utilize Customizable Campaign Influence.

Here's a detailed explanation of why this solution is the most suitable:

  1. Creating industry events as campaigns: In Salesforce, campaigns are used to track and manage marketing and sales activities. By creating industry events as campaigns, you can effectively organize and track the leads generated from each conference. This allows you to measure the success and impact of each event on your sales pipeline.

  2. Adding leads as Campaign Members: When leads are converted to opportunities, you can associate them with the respective campaign by adding them as Campaign Members. This association allows you to attribute the opportunity's success and revenue to the specific industry conference campaign. By tracking which leads were part of each campaign, you gain visibility into the overall performance and return on investment (ROI) of the conferences.

  3. Utilizing Customizable Campaign Influence: Salesforce offers a feature called Campaign Influence that allows you to assign credit and influence to multiple campaigns that contribute to an opportunity. By utilizing Customizable Campaign Influence, you can define how the revenue generated by an opportunity should be distributed among the associated campaigns. This feature helps you accurately measure the impact of each industry conference on the opportunity's ROI.

Using this solution, you can easily analyze the performance of each industry conference by reviewing metrics such as the number of leads generated, opportunities won, revenue generated, and ROI. It provides a systematic and reliable way to evaluate the effectiveness of your participation in these conferences and make informed decisions for future investments.

Option A (Create a Chatter group for each conference and mention this group on all new leads) is not an appropriate solution because it lacks the functionality to track and measure the impact of the conferences on opportunities. Chatter groups are primarily used for collaboration and communication, and mentioning them on new leads does not provide a structured approach for ROI analysis.

Option C (Create a multi-select picklist and ask representatives to select which conference(s) influenced the lead) relies on manual selection by representatives, which may introduce subjective biases and inconsistencies. It lacks the ability to accurately attribute revenue to specific conferences and does not provide a comprehensive ROI analysis.

Option D (Create the Campaigns related list on the Lead page layout and associate new leads with a campaign) is a partial solution but does not leverage the full capabilities of Campaign Influence. It does not account for multiple campaigns influencing an opportunity and does not provide a flexible way to distribute revenue credit among different campaigns.

In conclusion, option B is the most suitable solution as it allows for accurate tracking, attribution, and measurement of the ROI for each industry conference by leveraging campaigns, campaign members, and Customizable Campaign Influence in Salesforce.