Cisco EnergyWise Domain Member Neighbor Formation

Cisco EnergyWise Domain Member Neighbor Formation

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Which statement about Cisco EnergyWise domain member neighbor formation is true?



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A. B. C. D. E.


References: referring_site=smartnavRD#wp554384

Cisco EnergyWise is a network management solution that allows organizations to monitor and control the power consumption of network devices and endpoints. One of the key features of EnergyWise is the ability to form neighbor relationships between domain members, which allows devices to exchange information and coordinate their energy usage.

In Cisco EnergyWise, there are two types of neighbors: static and autodiscovered. Autodiscovered neighbors are formed automatically through a discovery process, while static neighbors are manually configured by an administrator.

Answer A is incorrect because it states that a noncontiguous domain member and a contiguous domain member must have a static neighbor entry pointing to each other in order for the neighbor relationship to be possible. This is not true, as static neighbors can be formed between any two domain members, regardless of their physical location.

Answer B is correct because it states that static neighbors can be formed even if domain members are not physically contiguous. This is true, as long as the domain members are within the same EnergyWise domain and have the necessary configurations in place.

Answer C is incorrect because it states that TCP protocols must be used to define static neighbors. This is not true, as both TCP and UDP protocols can be used to define static neighbors.

Answer D is incorrect because it states that static neighbors have a lower priority compared to autodiscovered members. This is not true, as static neighbors and autodiscovered neighbors are treated equally by EnergyWise.

Answer E is correct because it states that static neighbors can be manually defined on EnergyWise domain members and both TCP and UDP protocols can be used. This gives administrators flexibility in how they configure EnergyWise neighbors.