Bootstrap Location Bandwidth Manager (LBM) Roles in Intercluster LBM Replication Network

Roles of a Bootstrap Location Bandwidth Manager (LBM)

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Which three are roles of a bootstrap Location Bandwidth Manager (LBM) in an intercluster LBM replication network? (Choose three.)



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A. B. C. D. E. F. G.


The Bootstrap Location Bandwidth Manager (LBM) plays a critical role in the intercluster LBM replication network, which is used to replicate location and bandwidth information between clusters in a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) system. Here are the three roles of the Bootstrap LBM:

  1. Providing connectivity details: The Bootstrap LBM provides connectivity details to other LBMs in the system, which is necessary to create a full-mesh hub replication network. This enables LBMs to communicate with one another and exchange location and bandwidth information. Option A is correct.

  2. Supporting replication groups: Each LBM intercluster replication group can reference up to three bootstrap LBMs. This means that LBMs can be grouped together for redundancy and load balancing purposes. If one Bootstrap LBM fails, the replication group can still function properly as long as at least one other Bootstrap LBM is available. Option B is correct, and Option E is incorrect because it states that each replication group can reference up to two Bootstrap LBMs, which is incorrect.

  3. Communicating with local and remote LBMs: The Bootstrap LBM communicates directly with local LBM hubs within its own cluster, and indirectly with remote LBM hubs through the local LBM hubs. This ensures that location and bandwidth information is distributed throughout the system, and that all LBMs have access to the latest information. Option C is correct, and Option D is incorrect because it states that the Bootstrap LBM communicates indirectly with remote LBMs through the local IBM hubs, which is incorrect.

In summary, the Bootstrap LBM provides connectivity details, supports replication groups, and communicates with local and remote LBMs in the intercluster LBM replication network. Option A, B, and C are the correct answers.