Unified CM Service for Disk Usage and Call Management Records | CCIE Collaboration Exam

Unified CM Service for Disk Usage and Call Management Records

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Which Cisco Unified CM service is responsible for periodically checking disk usage and deleting old Call Management Records files?



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A. B. C. D. E.


The correct answer is C. Cisco CDR Repository Manager.

Call Management Records (CMRs) are generated by Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) and are used to track and bill call usage. These records are stored in the CUCM database and can take up a significant amount of disk space over time.

To ensure that disk space is not exhausted by these records, Cisco CUCM provides a service called Cisco CDR Repository Manager. This service periodically checks the disk usage and deletes old CMR files that are no longer needed. It performs this task according to a retention policy that is configurable within the CUCM administration interface.

The Cisco CDR Repository Manager service is responsible for managing the storage and retrieval of CMR files. It maintains an index of all the records in the database and is responsible for storing, retrieving, and deleting records when they are no longer needed.

The other options listed in the question are not responsible for managing disk usage or deleting old CMR files.

A. Cisco CallManager is the core call-processing component of CUCM and is responsible for call setup and teardown.

B. Cisco CDR Agent is responsible for collecting call detail records (CDRs) from CUCM and sending them to a central repository for billing purposes.

D. Cisco SOAP - CallRecord Service is responsible for providing real-time call information to external applications using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).

E. Cisco Extended Functions is a set of features that extend the functionality of CUCM and include things like call recording, video conferencing, and voicemail.