Question 344 of 490 from exam 400-051: CCIE Collaboration

Question 344 of 490 from exam 400-051: CCIE Collaboration

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Refer to the exhibit.

WUC_CALLMAMAGER-6-StactonConnectionError: &{(DevicetamesMTPSITEA) (ReasonCode~#} (ClusterfOwstandA
IDRGLPCUCHPUB10]: Station aevice clowsang ene connection

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PAAdrw172-3%-240.1, Pore~S8086, Device Contreller=(0,0,0)

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Wppinto iMediaTerminacionPosneControl (236) i: gecTotalCounter Coune=20d

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fAPEINfo = [MediaTerminesionPoantCont rel (194) ::deoketaveCouncer - Count=o
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Werinto (MedseTerminationPointcontrol (336) isehutcing dow _MedseTerminationPoantstepCont - dev

A isco collaboration engineer discovers that an instance of IOS image termination point (MTP) could not maintain stable registration with CUCM.

Callmanager traces are shown in the exhibit.

What is the reason for the flapping registration?



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A. B. C. D.
