Milestone Task Completed on Critical Path | Project+ Exam PK0-004 | CompTIA

What Should the Project Manager Notify?


A milestone task on the critical path has been completed.

Which of the following should the project manager notify?



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A. B. C. D.


If a milestone task on the critical path has been completed, it is a significant event in the project's progress. The project manager should inform the relevant stakeholders of this progress update to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the project's progress aligns with the project schedule.

The project manager should inform the project team, as they are directly involved in the project's activities and need to be aware of the milestone task's completion. This information will enable the team to adjust their activities and prepare for the next steps.

Additionally, notifying the project sponsor is important as they have a vested interest in the project's success and need to be informed of any progress or changes in the project's status. The project sponsor can provide support and resources to ensure the project stays on track.

The project steering committee should also be informed of the milestone task's completion, as they are responsible for overseeing the project's progress and ensuring that it aligns with the organization's strategic goals.

In contrast, notifying the owner of the predecessor task may not be necessary unless their work is dependent on the completion of the milestone task. If the predecessor task's owner needs to take action based on the completion of the milestone task, they should be notified. Otherwise, informing the project team, sponsor, and steering committee are more critical.

In summary, the project manager should notify the project team, sponsor, and steering committee of the completion of a milestone task on the critical path to ensure that everyone is aware of the project's progress and can take necessary action to keep the project on track.