Benefits of Using a Hierarchical Addressing Network Addressing Scheme | Cisco Exam 200-125

Benefits of Hierarchical Addressing Network Addressing Scheme

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Which two benefits are provided by using a hierarchical addressing network addressing scheme? (Choose two.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


The hierarchical addressing network addressing scheme provides the following two benefits:

  1. Reduces Routing Table Entries: Hierarchical addressing allows networks to be divided into smaller subnetworks, which can be aggregated into larger networks. This reduces the number of entries in routing tables, making routing more efficient and faster. By using hierarchical addressing, the network administrator can summarize the routes into a smaller number of entries, reducing the size of the routing tables. This makes the routing process more efficient, reducing the amount of processing power and memory required to store the routing table.

  2. Ease of Management and Troubleshooting: Hierarchical addressing provides an organized structure that makes it easier for network administrators to manage and troubleshoot the network. With a hierarchical addressing scheme, it is easier to locate network devices and identify network problems. The network is divided into logical groups, which can be easily managed and maintained. For example, if a problem occurs in a particular subnet, it can be easily identified and isolated, reducing the impact on the entire network.

Option B (auto-negotiation of media rates) is not related to hierarchical addressing. Auto-negotiation is a feature of Ethernet networking that allows devices to automatically select the best possible connection speed and duplex mode based on the capabilities of the devices at each end of the connection. Option C (efficient utilization of MAC addresses) is not a benefit of hierarchical addressing but is instead a function of MAC address allocation and management. Option D (dedicated communications between devices) is not a benefit of hierarchical addressing, but instead is a feature of certain network topologies, such as point-to-point connections.