DHCP Binding Components

Minimum Required Components

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What are the two minimum required components of a DHCP binding? (Choose two.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol that assigns IP addresses dynamically to devices on a network. When a device requests an IP address from a DHCP server, it creates a DHCP binding which contains information about the device and the IP address that it has been assigned.

The two minimum required components of a DHCP binding are:

A. An IP address: This is the address that the DHCP server assigns to the device. The IP address is unique on the network and is used by the device to communicate with other devices on the network.

E. A hardware address: This is also known as a MAC (Media Access Control) address. It is a unique identifier assigned to the network interface of a device. The DHCP server uses the MAC address to identify the device and assign it an IP address.

Let's briefly explain the other options:

B. An ip-helper statement: This is a command used to forward DHCP requests from one network segment to another. It is used in situations where there is no DHCP server on the same network segment as the requesting device.

C. An exclusion list: This is a list of IP addresses that are excluded from the DHCP pool. These addresses are reserved for devices that require a static IP address.

D. A DHCP pool: This is a range of IP addresses that are available for assignment by the DHCP server.

In summary, the minimum required components of a DHCP binding are an IP address and a hardware address (MAC address).