Cisco Exam 200-125: Identifying Traffic-Flow Blockages between Network Devices

Identifying Traffic-Flow Blockages between Network Devices

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Which utility can you use to identify the cause of a traffic-flow blockage between two devices in a network?



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The utility that can be used to identify the cause of a traffic-flow blockage between two devices in a network is the ACL (Access Control List) path analysis tool in APIC-EM (Application Policy Infrastructure Controller Enterprise Module).

An ACL is a set of rules that define what traffic is allowed or denied in a network. If there is a traffic-flow blockage between two devices in a network, it is likely that an ACL is blocking the traffic. The ACL path analysis tool in APIC-EM can help to identify the exact ACL that is causing the blockage.

APIC-EM is a software application that provides centralized management of network infrastructure. It includes several tools that can help network administrators to manage and troubleshoot their network. The ACL path analysis tool is one of these tools.

To use the ACL path analysis tool, the network administrator would need to provide the IP addresses of the source and destination devices, as well as the port numbers if applicable. The tool would then analyze the network topology and identify the path that the traffic should take between the two devices. It would also identify any ACLs that are configured on the devices along this path.

The ACL path analysis tool would then perform a check to see if any of the ACLs are blocking the traffic. If a blockage is identified, the tool would provide details about the ACL rule that is causing the blockage, such as the rule number and the specific condition that is being matched.

Overall, the ACL path analysis tool in APIC-EM is a useful utility for identifying the cause of a traffic-flow blockage between two devices in a network. It can save time for network administrators by quickly identifying the source of the problem and allowing them to take appropriate actions to resolve the issue.