UDP Services | Cisco 200-125 Exam Answer

UDP Services

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Which of the following services use UDP? (Choose three.)



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A. B. C. D. E. F.


The correct answers are B. TFTP, C. SNMP, and D. DNS.

Here is a detailed explanation of each of these services:

B. TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) - TFTP is a simple protocol used to transfer files between network devices. It operates using UDP on port 69. It is often used in scenarios where a client needs to boot an operating system or firmware from a network server.

C. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) - SNMP is a protocol used for managing and monitoring network devices, such as routers, switches, and servers. It operates using UDP on port 161. SNMP is often used by network administrators to monitor the health and performance of their network infrastructure.

D. DNS (Domain Name System) - DNS is a protocol used to translate domain names (such as www.example.com) into IP addresses (such as that network devices can use to communicate with each other. It operates using UDP on port 53. DNS is a critical service for the operation of the Internet and is used by virtually every network device.

A. Telnet - Telnet is a protocol used for remote terminal access to network devices. It operates using TCP on port 23. Telnet is considered to be insecure because it sends all traffic, including passwords and other sensitive information, in plain text.

E. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - SMTP is a protocol used for sending email messages between servers. It operates using TCP on port 25. SMTP is used by email clients, such as Microsoft Outlook and Gmail, to send messages to each other.

F. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - HTTP is a protocol used for transmitting web pages and other resources over the Internet. It operates using TCP on port 80. HTTP is used by web browsers, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, to request and receive web pages from servers.

In summary, TFTP, SNMP, and DNS are the services that use UDP, while Telnet, SMTP, and HTTP use TCP.