CCNA Exam 200-125: Test IP Stack on Local Host

Ping IP Address for Testing IP Stack on Local Host

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Which ip address would a network technician ping on the local host, to test the ip stack?



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A. B. C. D.


The IP stack, also known as the TCP/IP protocol stack, is responsible for enabling communication between devices on a network. To test the IP stack on a local host, a network technician can use the ping command to send an ICMP echo request to the loopback address, which is a special IP address assigned to a device's own network interface.

The loopback address is represented by the IP address, and it always refers to the device itself. By pinging this address, the network technician can verify that the local host's IP stack is functioning correctly and can send and receive IP packets.

Answer C,, is the correct answer to this question.

Answer A,, is a multicast address used by OSPF routers to communicate with each other. Pinging this address would not test the local host's IP stack.

Answer B,, is a multicast address used by routers to exchange routing information. Pinging this address would not test the local host's IP stack.

Answer D,, is a broadcast address that represents all devices on the local network. Pinging this address would not test the local host's IP stack.