Untrusted Hosts: Storage Information

Untrusted Hosts

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Where information about untrusted hosts are stored?



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A. B. C. D.


Untrusted hosts are those hosts that have not been authenticated or authorized to access the network. These hosts may pose a security threat to the network and need to be restricted or monitored. The information about untrusted hosts is usually stored in the binding database.

The binding database is a table that maps the MAC address of a host to its IP address and other relevant information such as its authentication status, authorization level, and access policies. This database is maintained by the network access control (NAC) system, which is responsible for enforcing network security policies.

When a host attempts to connect to the network, it sends a request to the NAC system, which checks its credentials against the information stored in the binding database. If the host is authorized to access the network, the NAC system adds its MAC address and other information to the binding database and grants it access. If the host is not authorized, the NAC system denies access and logs the attempt in the binding database for further analysis.

The CAM table, also known as the MAC address table, is a hardware table that stores the MAC addresses of devices connected to a switch. It is used by the switch to forward Ethernet frames to the correct port based on the destination MAC address. The trunk table is a software table used by VLAN trunking protocols to manage VLAN membership and traffic.

In conclusion, the information about untrusted hosts is not stored in the CAM table or trunk table, but rather in the binding database, which is maintained by the NAC system.