IPv6 Address Representation: Understanding the Basics | Cisco Exam 200-125

Which Statements Are True of IPv6 Address Representation? | Cisco Exam 200-125

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Which two of these statements are true of IPv6 address representation? (Choose two.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


The two statements that are true about IPv6 address representation are:

B. A single interface may be assigned multiple IPv6 addresses of any type. C. Every IPv6 interface contains at least one loopback address.


A. This statement is incorrect. While IPv6 does have four address types, they are not unicast, multicast, anycast, and broadcast. The correct types are unicast, multicast, and anycast.

B. This statement is true. In IPv6, a single interface may be assigned multiple IPv6 addresses of any type. This allows for greater flexibility in network configuration and can be useful for separating traffic flows.

C. This statement is also true. Every IPv6 interface contains at least one loopback address, which is similar to the loopback address in IPv4. The loopback address in IPv6 is represented as "::1".

D. This statement is incorrect. The first 64 bits of an IPv6 address represent the network prefix, while the remaining bits represent the interface identifier. The interface identifier can be dynamically generated or assigned manually, but it is not the first 64 bits of the address.

E. This statement is incorrect. Leading zeros in an IPv6 16-bit hexadecimal field are optional and can be omitted for brevity. For example, the address "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001" can be represented as "2001:db8::1".