Types of Flow Control | 200-125 Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam

Types of Flow Control

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Which of the following are types of flow control? (Choose three.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


Flow control is the mechanism used in computer networks to manage the flow of data between sender and receiver. There are different types of flow control mechanisms designed to prevent the network from becoming congested or overwhelmed with traffic. In the context of the question, the following are the types of flow control:

A. Buffering: Buffering is a flow control mechanism used to temporarily store data on a device when the receiving device is not ready to receive the data. It helps in avoiding data loss and retransmission.

B. Cut-through: Cut-through is a flow control mechanism in which the switch forwards the data as soon as it receives the destination address. In this mechanism, the switch does not wait for the entire packet to arrive before forwarding it to the destination. Cut-through mechanism is faster than store-and-forward mechanism but it has a higher probability of forwarding damaged packets.

C. Windowing: Windowing is a flow control mechanism that regulates the amount of data that can be sent before receiving an acknowledgement from the receiver. It enables the sender to adjust the transmission rate based on the current state of the network, reducing the chances of congestion.

D. Congestion avoidance: Congestion avoidance is a flow control mechanism that prevents network congestion by controlling the rate at which data is sent to the network. This mechanism monitors the network for congestion signals and reduces the transmission rate if the network is congested.

E. Load balancing: Load balancing is a flow control mechanism that distributes the network traffic evenly across multiple network paths. It helps in preventing network congestion and ensures that network resources are utilized optimally.

Therefore, the correct answers to the question are A. buffering, C. windowing, and D. congestion avoidance.