IPv6 Unique Local Address Binary Pattern | Exam 200-125 | Cisco

IPv6 Unique Local Address Binary Pattern

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What is the binary pattern of unique ipv6 unique local address?



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A. B. C. D.


The binary pattern of Unique IPv6 Unique Local Address is 11111101.

To understand this, let's first understand what Unique IPv6 Unique Local Address is. Unique Local Address (ULA) is an IPv6 address that is globally unique and intended for local use within a site or organization, not routable on the public internet. It is similar to IPv4 private addresses like and, which are also not routable on the public internet.

IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long, and they are represented in hexadecimal notation. To get the binary pattern of a Unique IPv6 Unique Local Address, we need to convert its hexadecimal notation to binary.

Unique IPv6 Unique Local Address starts with the prefix fd00::/8. In binary, the prefix fd is 11111101. Therefore, the binary pattern of Unique IPv6 Unique Local Address is also 11111101, followed by 40 bits that are randomly generated.

In conclusion, the correct answer is D. 11111101.